

Supplying a power plant is not always easy, especially in rather unstable times and volatile market conditions. This is precisely why we offer (potential) customers a concept with full supply that prepares them for these situations. For an optimal result, we always develop an individual concept and tailor the fuel supply precisely to the respective power plant, taking into account the technical requirements and prerequisites.

Many existing as well as new projects show that our full supply concept works – recently, the Brüning Group and GrünWärme GmbH in Bad Laer, a subsidiary of Teutoburger Energie Netzwerk eG, concluded a full supply contract. With this contract, GrünWärme wants to secure the fuel supply in the long term. The plant is a wood-fired heating plant without electricity generation, which supplies more than 200 households and 2 large consumers via the district heating network. Forest wood chips are used as fuel. The primary goal is to procure the raw material from the local region as much as possible and to ensure regional added value.

Michael Benning, Managing Director of GrünWärme GmbH, is pleased: « With the Brüning Group we have gained a partner who covers all our needs and has many years of know-how in the field of power plant supply – especially in difficult times like these, we feel a bit more secure with such a partner at our side. »

Jens Stertefeld, responsible for the purchase and sale of biomass, emphasises: « We are very proud to have gained a partner in GrünWärme who, like us, is also focused on the long term and has a sustainable heating concept – we are aware of the responsibility and look forward to working together as partners. »
