
Train by Train

The current market situation with large surplus quantities, whether due to frequent storms, the massive bark beetle infestation or other calamities, also presents new challenges for us at the Brüning | Group. The situation in the timber industry is alarming and new and reasonable solutions must be found.

As a company that is now increasingly trading internationally, we are therefore not only looking for distribution channels at national level, but also in other European countries. This naturally requires economical logistics. For this reason, among other things, we have decided to use the train as a means of transporting roundwood, and we have already successfully completed the first trains with roundwood.

We can also make a valuable contribution in the context of climate protection and sustainability. Trains can be used to transport much larger volumes of goods more quickly and efficiently. The increased volume that can be transported by rail means that several trucks can be saved, thereby significantly reducing CO2 emissions – an environmentally friendly and forward-looking alternative.

If you have any questions or are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Contact Person

Friederike Blanken
+49 4293 7894-324
