

Faster, higher, further… A phrase that has extremely shaped the past decades and still does. In hardly any other area than in IT the progress is so rapid these days – more and more data is being chased around the world faster and faster, everything has to be available to everyone immediately. This is also a challenge for companies, because customer requirements are changing at almost the same rate. As digital natives, the younger generations are very IT-savvy. New digital services or business models are in demand. Therefore, it will become increasingly important for companies to have a technically skilled IT department that is just as well networked with all the company’s specialist departments.

However, IT is often treated somewhat neglected in many companies, which is why we would like to take this opportunity to take up the cudgels for our colleagues, because without them we would hardly be able to keep our business running and the growth and internationalisation of the Brüning Group would probably not be possible in this form.

Like some of the Brüning Group’s units, the IT department has also grown with the company. Initially still a subordinate area, it has developed into an independent department over time. In the meantime, running a business without its own IT department with several employees is of course no longer an option. The company network has to function reliably, the various locations have to be connected properly and as soon as the mouse pointer freezes on any PC, someone has to be there to find a solution. Challenges such as the lockdown, when from one day to another about half of the employees are to be relocated to work from home, have to be mastered. But that is no problem either.

However, our IT colleagues are not only problem solvers, but also develop their own systems. In this way we increase our efficiency and professionalism, which we have laid down in our basic mission. Together with external programming partners, we are constantly developing new applications for internal use. What is initially a little more complex than using an existing CRM or ERP system pays off in the end. Because a company’s own software can be designed according to the respective requirements, but can also be constantly developed. IT also invests a lot of time and energy in business intelligence systems and new technologies. The digitalisation of many processes facilitates their presentation and allows us to react faster and better to possible changes. At the moment, for example, our truck drivers are being equipped with an app that displays all the data of a transport just-in-time.

Furthermore, IT plays a major role because of the high risk of hacking and malware. In the field of cyber security, it is essential that experts are available nowadays so that the company and all its data are protected. Here, the IT team naturally tries to come up with everything that is technically possible. One or two attacks have already been thwarted, e.g. by an encryption Trojan in an e-mail.

« Our job is to keep the whole system running. We’ve already been outage-free for at least 5 years and provide a lot of support, » says Marc Amtenbrink, Head of IT, « Anyone who calls us, we try to help. » Certainly a credo that everyone likes to hear and appreciates. It is perfectly clear to us that only when all departments act in concert, help and respect each other, the full performance potential of the company can be realised. And only in this way can we ensure that we offer our customers, suppliers and business partners the best possible service.
