
A review of the year by COO Matthias Mecking

2021 was – again – a special year. The pandemic continues to keep the world under control and the market is going crazy in all our business areas. We are experiencing supply shortages and price explosions as rarely before. What seemed normal and simple in the past few years now poses new challenges for all market participants. Raw material prices and availability, freight prices, electricity prices, legal regulations – many things have changed completely within a few weeks. Countries that were exporting just a few months ago are suddenly becoming importing countries, and vice versa. Fuel prices have doubled, waste wood now shows a « + » sign, freight space is hardly available. Estimates about the development in the next 6 months differ widely. On top of that there is Corona, with home office, vaccinations, tests, cancelled events and trips, Teams meetings and also a lot of uncertainty.

With great courage and a view to a sustainable future, we have also « voluntarily » ventured into further challenges. With waste paper, plastics and roundwood, we have added three new product groups to our portfolio within a year. The integration is going very well and we are happy about the first successes of our new colleagues in these units.

Despite all the challenges and changes, the Brüning Group has continued to grow this year. We owe this exceptional result to our network of professional customers and suppliers as well as our fantastic employees across Europe. Thank you for your support, vigilance and patience.

We are entering 2022 with great confidence and joy. The markets will remain in motion and we feel optimally prepared for this. The entry into force of RED II will be a crucial topic. We have been dealing with it for a long time and are happy to provide assistance.

Our aspiration remains unchanged: We want to be a problem solver for our partners. We are expanding our network, especially internationally, and thus becoming even more flexible. We know our markets like no other and are able to react quickly. Our corporate culture is characterised by trusting cooperation and a combination of professionalism and fun.
